See how
can we help You
ZGEN MIND builds value for its clients, based on a highly specialized team of professionals with broad experience in the implementation, evolution and maintenance of SAP systems.
ZGEN MIND professionals can join an IT team to provide it with their capacity and expertise, as well as constituting an independent team working under Manpower Supply modality / time & material or Turnkey Project.
Our Pillars
Knowledge, Agile,
Quality & Competitiveness

Pillar 1
A team with knowledge and verifiable experience on implementation, evolution and maintenance projects of SAP platform from global, regional and domestic companies, with the best productivity levels available on the market
Pillar 2
Agile Methodology implementation applied to SAP, creating a more flexible and customer-oriented development strategy
Pillar 3
An internal quality control process which minimizes trial and error iterations for the acceptance of the required product
Pillar 4